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Internship Projects
The JIFSAN internship program allows undergraduate students at the University of Maryland, College Park to participate in research at FDA facilities, including the Harvey Wiley Building in College Park and the MOD1 & MOD11 facilities on Muirkirk Road in Laurel, MD. Internships require a time commitment of 8-10 hours/week during the semester and 30 hours/week during winterterm and summer.
Internships generally begin in the summer and continue through the subsequent academic year. Currently, projects seeking interns are posted in February and for best consideration, applications should be submitted by March 15. Students may apply by submitting a complete application including: 1) JIFSAN Paid Internship Initial Application, 2) Resume/CV, and 3) Unofficial transcript (including courses for which you are already registered). All three items should be assembled into a single PDF document and uploaded to the webform located at go.umd.edu/JIFSAN2025 . Please do not reach out to FDA mentors directly in regards to JIFSAN internships. All queries and applications should be routed to Dr. Kaci Thompson or the JIFSAN office.
Click on a concentration to jump to projects in that category:
Biological Sciences
Salmonella culture optimization from DEUF water samples
Principle Investigator: Rebecca Bell /, Christopher Grim
Location: Human Foods Program (HFP), Wiley Building, 5001 Campus Drive, College Park, MD (In-Person)
- Evaluate the die-off rate of Salmonella stored on the dead-end ultrafilter and in backflush solution
- Evaluate rapid screening methods for the detection of Salmonella in spiked DEUF samples
- Evaluate a single pre-enrichment/enrichment workflow using the STEC enrichment broth for ease of workflow with regulatory samples
- Evalute Salmonella culture dynamics and diversity using metagenomics
- Improve methods for the isolation of the diversity of Salmonella serovars within a single sample
Project Needs and Duration:
- Have a basic understanding of aseptic technique and basic microbiological culture methods such as streaking plates for isolation.
- Preferable to have some basic background knowledge of molecular techniques such as PCR and DNA isolation.
- Preferable to have background knowledge in whole genome sequencing and metagenomic concepts.
- Preferable to have previous lab experience in microbiology, molecular biology or a related field. This could be course work laboratory classes or independent research studies.
The estimated duration of the internship project is one year. Time requirements include 8-10 h/week during the school year and 30 h/week during break sessions.
This project will optimize the methods used for the collection, detection and isolation of Salmonella using dead-end ultrafiltration (DEUF) from water. This project aims to improve the cultural method by streamlining it with the STEC culture method. In addition, it will explore the use of molecular screening methods, which are not currently approved for this sample type for Salmonella. Finally, it will employ the use of metagenomics to understand culture dynamics as well as Salmonella serovar diversity to help improve the isolation of all serovars present in this complex sample matrix. This improvement will help during regulatory activities to much more quickly find the serovar/strain of interest during public health events.
Evaluation of the effectiveness of post-harvest treatment of enoki mushrooms for reduction of Listeria monocytogenes
Principle Investigator: Burall, Laurel
Location: Human Foods Program (HFP) MOD-1, 8301 Muirkirk Road, Laurel, MD (In-Person)
- Evaluate the efficacy of various post-harvest treatments, such as boiling and UV light, to reduce the amount of Listeria monocytogenes on enoki mushrooms after harvest.
- Contaminate mushrooms at different points during cultivation determine if earlier or later contamination events alters the efficacy of the treatments at harvest or consumption.
- Evaluate whether storage post-treatment alters the assessment of the treatment’s efficacy by determining whether bacteria grow or return to detectable levels, depending on initial treatment efficacy, during the standard shelf-life.
Project Needs and Duration:
Prior experience working in a research environment, especially with Listeria monocytogenes, is preferred. Basic science coursework and lab instruction. Additionally, basic laboratory experience, including pipetting, ability to make calculations for reagent and solution preparation, serial dilutions, genomic DNA isolation, sequencing library preparations is preferred.
The estimated duration of the internship project is one year. Time requirements include 8-10 h/week during the school year and 30 h/week during break sessions.
Listeriosis outbreaks have been linked to the consumption of contaminated enoki mushrooms. Post-outbreak evaluation has noted differences in the practices associated with enoki consumption based on region. Additionally, several post-harvest treatments have been proposed to reduce Listeria monocytogenes on the product but full understanding of the efficacy of these treatments, especially how timing of contamination may affect treatment efficacy, is limited. This project will evaluate several proposed interventions, including UV light, organic acid treatment, and different heating protocols, to determine their effectiveness and whether or not contamination timing alters the efficacy (i.e., contamination at harvest versus during mushroom generation).
Development and Validation of Revised Protocols for the Detection of Cronobacter in Powdered Infant Formula, Environmental Samples and Other Infant Foods
Principle Investigator: Chen, Yi
Location: Human Foods Program (HFP), Wiley Building, 5001 Campus Drive, College Park, MD (In-Person)
Evaluation and validation of revised qPCR assay and cultural analysis protocol for updating the FDA Bacteriological Analytical Manual (BAM).
Evaluation of alternative rapid screening and identification assays for Cronobacter.
Project Needs and Duration:
Course work and preferably lab course work in microbiology. Prior work experience in a microbiology lab preferred. The estimated duration of the internship project is one year. Time requirements include 8-10 h/week during the school year and 30 h/week during break sessions.
Cronobacter is a rare cause of invasive diseases, including bacteremia, meningitis, and necrotizing enterocolitis. Infants younger than 2 months old are at highest risk. The organism is able to survive in low moisture foods, such as powdered infant formula (PIF), for long periods. In late 2021 and early 2022, a series of Cronobacter spp. illnesses among infants in the U.S. was associated with PIF. FDA inspection of the suspected facility revealed the presence of Cronobacter spp. within the production environment, leading to a voluntary recall. This recall and the temporary shutdown of the facility were a major contributing factor to the infant formula shortage across the U.S. in 2022. This incident highlights the critical need for FDA to enhance the testing of Cronobacter in PIF and its production environment, as well as other samples related to Cronobacter infection investigations. The FDA Bacteriological Analytical Manual (BAM) contains FDA’s preferred laboratory procedures for the detection of Cronobacter in PIF. However, this chapter was last updated more than 10 years ago. Since that update, new enrichment broths, chromogenic agars, qPCR master mixes and rapid identification assays have been developed or updated, some of which might perform better than those in the BAM. In addition, ISO published its Cronobacter standard in 2017 and prescribes a sample size smaller than that in the BAM. Furthermore, Cronobacter has gone through some nomenclature changes since 2012, and thus, the specificity of the BAM screening and identification methods needs to be evaluated. Finally, the testing of Cronobacter is expanding to matrices other than powdered infant formula, such as environmental swabs, nursery water and baby cereal. The current enrichment scheme in the BAM may not be optimal for recovering Cronobacter from these matrices. Therefore, a major update of the BAM is needed for improved testing of Cronobacter and any changes should be subsequently validated.
Validation of a New Method to Isolate and Detect Cryptosporidium Genotypes from Fresh Produce, Food Contact Surfaces, and Agricultural Water
Principle Investigator: Durigan, Mauricio
Location: Human Foods Program (HFP) MOD-1, 8301 Muirkirk Road, Laurel, MD (In-Person)
- Perform detection methods like qPCR, conventional PCR, and digital PCR on the DNA extracted from environmental samples in Cryptosporidium samples.
- Perform the Dead-end ultrafiltration on different water sources to compare the recovery on different matrices for Cryptosporidium detection.
- Perform fresh produce wash methods for Cryptosporidium detection.
- Contribute to data analysis using currently available bioinformatics tools.
- Contribute to communication of the research findings by involving in preparations on posters, and manuscripts.
Project Needs and Duration:
- The student intern should have had at least some General Microbiology courses with labs.
- The student should have some familiarity in using computer programs other than MS office.
- The student should have an interest to learn about PCR, qPCR and dPCR.
- The student should be able to work in the laboratory using different kinds of sample processing, DNA preparation, spiking of samples, and microscopy.
The estimated duration of the internship project is one year. Time requirements include 8-10 h/week during the school year and 30 h/week during break sessions.
Cryptosporidium spp. is a protozoan parasite from the phylum Apicomplexa that causes the diarrheal disease cryptosporidiosis, a foodborne and waterborne gastrointestinal illness that is distributed worldwide. Approximately 51% of reported global protozoan waterborne diarrheal outbreaks are associated with Cryptosporidium. In 2011, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) considered cryptosporidiosis an endemic disease in the United States and estimated that there are approximately 748,123 cases each year in the United States. Some cases may be foodborne as well, associated with ready-to-eat foods and fresh produce. In 2023, the FDA was notified of an outbreak of cryptosporidiosis in Minnesota among patrons of a taqueria. C. parvum and C. hominis are the most prevalent species causing disease in humans; however, human cases have also been reported on a smaller scale, caused by C. felis, C. meleagridis, C. canis, and C. muris. The current BAM method for recovering and detecting the parasitic protozoa C. parvum and C. hominis from leafy greens and soft fruit is outdated due to discontinuation of equipment and reagents and does not include approaches that can discriminate the zoonotic genotypes. There is a need to update the FDA methods to enhance molecular epidemiology tools for detection of Cryptosporidium genotypes of human concern in food, food contact surfaces, and agricultural water. In summary, this study has two main goals: 1. Update the current FDA method for detection of Cryptosporidium genotypes in food samples and add food contact surfaces; 2. Update the current FDA method for detection of Cryptosporidium genotypes in water samples.
Genomic Characterization of Stress Adaptation in Major Foodborne Pathogens in Food Products and in the Food Processing Environment
Principle Investigator: Maria Hoffmann / , Jie Zheng
Location: Human Foods Program (HFP), Wiley Building, 5001 Campus Drive, College Park, MD (In-Person)
- Perform knockouts of the tisB, ccm, and kdp gene on the S. Agona genome using λ-Red recombination and knock out the hyc operon in the E. coli O121 genome using the CRISPR system.
- Conduct phenotypic analyses of mutants to confirm the functional roles of these genes.
- Conduct RNA-seq analysis of mutants inoculated on cereal at various time points to identify compensatory mechanisms of specific genes under desiccation stress. For the transcriptome study, both long-read and short-read sequencing will be performed to compare the most effective sequencing platform.
Project Needs and Duration:
- Ability to learn quickly.
- Fundamental skills in microbiological techniques.
- Proficient in wet lab expertise, particularly in handling human pathogens and managing a high volume of samples.
- Familiarity with molecular methods including PCR and agarose gel electrophoresis.
The estimated duration of the internship project is one year. Time requirements include 8-10 h/week during the school year and 30 h/week during break sessions.
- Create mutant strains of S. Agona with a specific gene knockout that profoundly affects its ability to survive and persist within a food matrix.
- Identify the compensatory mechanisms in S. Agona mutants that enable survival in low- moisture environments, even in the absence of major survival genes, using both short- read and long-read sequencing. Compare the sequencing results for insights into these adaptive mechanisms.
- Prepare a mutant strain of E. coli using CRISPR system to identify the role of specific genes. The CRISPR system will be used only for those genes that cannot be knocked out by λ-Red recombination.
Retrospective Analysis of Positive Ames Test Data in Food Contact Notifications to Address Current Data Gaps
Principle Investigator: Leighna Holt /, Laura Markley
Location: Human Foods Program (HFP) University Station, 4300 River Road, College Park, MD (Hybrid of Remote/In-person)
- Identify and verify Ames positive or equivocal data in FCNs and/or PNCs via advanced search features in FARM/CERES
- Identify and verify FCSs and their impurities that have positive Ames data to prepare them for batch analysis to be run in ChemTunes and appropriate QSAR models
- Use ChemTunes to determine the TTC values of these FCSs and impurities
- Store results in an excel spreadsheet
- Determine any other relevant toxicity data from CERES to compile with the Ames positive data and empirical data from ChemTunes and the QSAR models
- Participate in interdisciplinary team meetings and contribute to discussion on the project’s goals and results
- Prepare findings to be presented to the branch and/or conferences
- Potentially assist in proposing an internal decision tree of follow-up testing of an Ames-positive FCS and/or its impurities
Project Needs and Duration:
The student should have completed at least one year of toxicology, physiology, or biology (lecture and laboratory) and obtained at least a grade of B. Preference will be given to applicants that have additionally taken courses in chemistry and have computer science knowledge.
The estimated duration of the internship project is one year. Time requirements include 8-10 h/week during the school year and 30 h/week during break sessions. This is a hybrid work opportunity with encouraged “in person” attendance 1 day/week during break sessions.
This proposal seeks funding to support a student research project in the DFCS/OPMAS/OFCSDSI to evaluate the use of genotoxicity data, specifically positive Ames test results, in the safety assessment of FCSs or their impurities reviewed under Food Contact Notifications (FCNs) and Prenotification Consultation (PNCs).
The overarching purpose of this work is 1) to inform review staff in DFCS/OPMAS of the historical assessment of positive findings in the in vitro bacterial reverse mutation (Ames) test while reviewing safety of food contact substances (FCSs) or their impurities and 2) to provide internal suggestions of follow-up testing utilizing the current genotoxicity battery paradigm to support safety at estimated dietary exposure levels. The intent of this project is not to change or challenge any established policies or current recommendations, or diminish the use of expert judgement in decision making, but rather provide context on existing data to inform policy formulation and future expert analysis.
Background: The Ames test is widely used to detect mutagenic properties in substances. However, the historical regulatory approach of handling FCNs and PNCs with positive Ames results is unclear. This project will investigate how substances with positive Ames test data were considered under Effective FCNs, and if further mutagenicity studies or predictive toxicity data were considered as part of a weight-of-evidence (WoE) approach to determine the safety of food contact substances and their impurities. By analyzing historical FCN and PNC submissions, the student will identify how frequently positive Ames test data are present and explore the subsequent actions taken during regulatory review. The research will provide critical insights into the decision-making process regarding mutagenicity of FCSs or their impurities. This knowledge could inform future decision trees, improve understanding of how New Approach Methods (NAMs) can be integrated into the current safety assessment paradigm, and advance NAMs in the field of food safety.
Standardizing Pathogen Genomic Surveillance Data
Principle Investigator: Timme, Ruth
Location: Human Foods Program (HFP), Wiley Building, 5001 Campus Drive, College Park, MD (Remote)
Objective 1: The intern will identify isolates collected as part of FDA inspections. We would focus first on FDA swab isolates from food manufacturing facilities, which are easily identifiable in the NCBI database.
Objective 2: The intern will collect or gain access to historical FDA inspection records that are connected to the isolates identified in Objective 1.
Objective 3: The intern will create an approach to standardize these historical records in the format required for the new metadata package, update the historical records at NCBI, and help to implement a new standardized approach for collecting future samples.
Project Needs and Duration:
Students who have experience with/in: Bioinformatics, data science, biology, food science, or microbiology. The estimated duration of the internship project is one year. Time requirements include 8-10 h/week during the school year and 30 h/week during break sessions.
Pathogen genomic surveillance is an essential component of modern public health and regulatory science, playing a crucial role in ensuring food safety and preventing disease outbreaks. The FDA utilizes genomic technologies to monitor, trace, and mitigate the spread of foodborne pathogens. Central to these efforts is the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) database that serves as the public repository for the genomic data and associated contextual data.
FDA, in collaboration with partners at CDC, USDA, and NCBI, created a new metadata package that includes an expanded suite of contextual data describing the isolate sources (human, animals, food products, food facilities, or farm/environment). When this new package is fully implemented, FDA will use this package for their food samples, facility inspection samples, and farm inspection samples. This additional metadata will provide critical information for risk assessment activities in an easy to access format.
This project focuses on implementation across the FDA laboratories at FDA/HFP/ORTS. During this phase, we have faced unique challenges. The bacterial isolates collected by FDA from facility inspections have a significant amount of crucial collection information connected with them, but this information is not standardized and difficult for laboratorians translate into standard formats.
This project will focus on standardizing historical collection data from FDA inspections. FDA inspectors document and photograph where they’re swabbing on the collection report then submit this information as a PDF document. This information is not always documented in a standard way or easy to extract from the collection report pdf where it then needs to be digitized and converted to a standardized format in order to implement the new contextual data package.
Our goal with this project is to organize existing FDA inspection documentation for relevant isolates into a standardized dataset.
After compiling the standardized dataset of inspection information for isolates collected as part of FDA inspections, we will add this information to the NCBI BioSample database, thereby dramatically increasing the value of these isolates to public health officials and researchers across the U.S.
Molecular detection of Cyclospora cayetanensis in herbs and soil
Principle Investigator: Almeria, Maria (Sonia)
Location: Human Foods Program (HFP) MOD-1, 8301 Muirkirk Road, Laurel, MD (In-Person)
1) Learn concentration techniques based on flotation in dense solutions for detection of C. cayetanensis oocysts in soil.
1.1 Sample preparation step and seeding with C. cayetanensis oocysts
1.2 Concentration and washing to remove the parasite's oocysts from soil
1.3 DNA extraction methods
1.4 TaqMan qPCR assay with internal amplification control to detect the parasite in the extracted samples.
2) Apply new methods for the detection of oocysts from soil and compare to methods of detection based on concentration.
2.1 Evaluation of Encompass platform for the detection of the parasite in soil.
2.2 Evaluation of digital PCR for the detection of the parasite in soil.
3) Apply the approached in 1) and 2) to soil artificially contaminated with oocysts using the GEN1000 CONVIRON growth chambers or under controlled environmental conditions.
4) Learn methods for sample preparation and detection of C. cayetanensis is herbs (cilantro, parsley, and basil) artificially contaminated with oocysts using the GEN1000 CONVIRON growth chambers or under controlled environmental conditions.
4.1 Sample preparation step and seeding with C. cayetanensis oocysts.
4.2 Concentration and washing to remove the parasite’s oocysts from herbs.
4.3 DNA extraction methods.
4.4 TaqMan qPCR assay with internal amplification control to detect the parasite in the extracted samples.
4.5 Apply new methods (Encompass platform; digital PCR) for the detection of oocysts from herbs and comparison of results of detection based on real-time PCR.
Project Needs and Duration:
The student should have general Microbiology knowledge and, if possible, some Molecular Biology experience. The student should have some environmental science background. The estimated duration of the internship project is one year. Time requirements include 8-10 h/week during the school year and 30 h/week during break sessions.
Cyclospora cayetanensis causes a diarrheal illness called cyclosporiasis. Outbreaks of cyclosporiasis have historically affected thousands of persons in the U.S and often occur in multi-state fashion. The outbreaks in the U.S. have been frequently linked to fresh produce. However, there are significant gaps in our knowledge of the epidemiology of C. cayetanensis, and still to date there is not a clear understanding of the relative importance of the sources and routes of transmission of C. cayetanensis infection. The potential of contaminated soil as a source of infection needs to be considered. Cyclospora oocysts are highly resistant in the environment (soil and/or water) and to chemical disinfectants, and to date there is not a clear understanding of the relative importance of the sources and routes of transmission of C. cayetanensis infection. Contact with soil has been found to be a risk factor for C. cayetanensis infection in endemic areas, such as in Peru, Guatemala, and Venezuela, as well as in an outbreak in the U.S. Furthermore, C. cayetanensis has been recently found in soil collected from under the water drippers from vegetable plots in Italy and in soil from commercial berry farms in Mexico. These data suggest that contact with soil may be an important mode of transmission and could play a role in the contamination of foods. Our group recently developed a fast and sensitive method for the detection of C. cayetanensis in soil. This method will be used in the present project for detection of the parasite in soil artificially contaminated with oocysts using the GEN1000 CONVIRON growth chambers, under controlled environmental conditions. The main objective is to determine the effects that the environmental factors (type of soil, temperature, water, humidity, and photoperiod) have in C. cayetanensis detection, and possibly survival/sporulation, in soil and herbs artificially contaminated with the parasite, and to evaluate the seasonality trends. These data will allow FDA to better understand ways of C. cayetanensis transmission and to establish control measures to disrupt the cycle of transmission. This project will also help in filling gaps in risk assessment of C. cayetanensis in soil, which to date has not been performed.
Evaluation of the Performance of the FDA Validated Method for Detection of Cyclospora cayetanensis on Different Water Sources
Principle Investigator: Durigan, Mauricio
Location: Human Foods Program (HFP) MOD-1, 8301 Muirkirk Road, Laurel, MD (In-Person)
- Perform detection methods like qPCR, conventional PCR, and digital PCR on the DNA extracted from environmental samples.
- Perform the Dead-end ultrafiltration on different water sources to compare the recovery on different matrices.
- Perform sample purification with state-of-the-art methodologies such as immune magnetic beads and/or DNA purification methodologies.
- Contribute to data analysis using currently available bioinformatics tools.
- Contribute to communication of the research findings by involving in preparations on posters, and manuscripts.
Project Needs and Duration:
- The student intern should have had at least some General Microbiology courses with labs.
- The student should have some familiarity in using computer programs other than MS office.
- The student should have an interest to learn about PCR, qPCR and dPCR.
- The student should be able to work in the laboratory using different kinds of sample processing, DNA preparation, spiking of samples, and microscopy.
The estimated duration of the internship project is one year. Time requirements include 8-10 h/week during the school year and 30 h/week during break sessions.
Cyclospora cayetanensis is a protozoan parasite that causes a foodborne diarrheal illness called cyclosporiasis which is linked to the consumption of contaminated fresh produce including leafy greens, snow peas, and berries. Since 2013 there has been an increase in the number of domestically acquired laboratory-confirmed cases of cyclosporiasis. The potential use of contaminated water for agricultural purposes poses a significant public health issue to millions of people worldwide and a method for detection of C. cayetanensis in agricultural water was recently validated and published in the FDA’s BAM Chapter 19c. There is a need to evaluate the performance of this method in different water sources such as well water, produce wash water, wastewater, and surface water, among others. There is also a need to develop and apply new generation of molecular markers for detection and for genotyping in environmental samples. This study will provide FDA with tools to accumulate scientific data about the different water matrices and their impact in the transmission of C. cayetanensis.
Development and enhancement of structure-searchable toxicology databases derived from FDA in-house toxicity data
Principle Investigator: Holt, Leighna
Location: Human Foods Program (HFP) University Station, 4300 River Road, College Park, MD (Hybrid of Remote/In-person)
- Develop experience and understanding of OFCSDSI data systems (CERES, FARM, STARI, etc.) to leverage the information across these systems to collect a holistic record of the scientific information and data on food additives and food contacts.
- Develop knowledge of various toxicology testing protocols (genetic toxicology, subchronic and chronic) to accurately capture the data and endpoints reported in toxicological study reports. This requires developing familiarity with FDA guidance and OECD test guidelines.
- Perform specialized investigative research and provide scientific guidance and advice on subjects related to legacy data harvesting, data management, and operation of OFCSDSI data systems.
- Evaluate the new CERES Toxicology Data Entry Tool by suggesting changes to the user interface, analyzing the current state of the tool, and identifying areas for future development.
Project Needs and Duration:
- Awareness of basic principles of toxicology and toxicology tests (genetic toxicology, subchronic and chronic)
- Ability to work independently
- Experience with performing searches of databases
- Attention to detail
The estimated duration of the internship project is one year. Time requirements include 8-10 h/week during the school year and 30 h/week during break sessions.
The intern will assist with the collection of toxicology data from OFAS legacy records for incorporation into the Chemical Evaluation and Risk Estimation System (CERES). Updated and detailed toxicology information in CERES is used by OFCSDSI scientists to support their scientific evaluations of food additives and packaging materials through read across, filling data gaps, and computational toxicology analyses. Utilizing legacy data in this manner is in line with the 3Rs (Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement) as it reduces the need for additional testing potentially involving animal studies.
Database and predictive models for skin permeability of chemicals
Principle Investigator: Miao Li / An Nan /, Kiara Fairman
Location: Human Foods Program (HFP) University Station, 4300 River Road, College Park, MD (Hybrid of Remote/In-person)
- Add skin permeability data from publications to the database. This would include gathering skin permeability data from published literature with the assistant from generative AI tools (Llama, Claude and ChatGPT), curation of the data obtained and organization of these data into one repository. (Dr. Kiara Fairman will mentor the intern for database establishment, and Dr. Nan An will be responsible for training the intern on data curation.)
- Identify AI/ML and/or mechanistically based models to predict skin permeability. Apply appropriate AI/ML algorithms and/or mechanistically based models for skin permeability data and compare the predictions with current models. (Drs. Miao Li and Kiara Fairman will serve as mentors to the intern to establish AI/ML and/or mechanistically based models.)
Project Needs and Duration:
- A strong background conducting literature searches form various databases and extracting, analyzing and integrating data into tabular and narrative summaries.
- Knowledge of at least one scripting language (e.g. Python, R, and Julia).
- Basic knowledge of statistics, computational modeling, and AI/ML.
- Demonstrated written and oral communications skills.
The estimated duration of the internship project is one year. Time requirements include 8-10 h/week during the school year and 30 h/week during break sessions.
Understanding dermal absorption is important for risk assessment of cosmetic ingredients. Skin permeability is a key parameter to predict the absorption and disposition of chemicals through skin into systemic circulation. A reliable prediction of skin permeability of chemicals can support the development of a physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model after dermal exposure; which would predict an internal dose to facilitate a toxicological risk assessment. Predictive modeling of transdermal absorption started in the early 1940s. With advancements in computational modeling, different types of algorithms and models, such as Potts-Guy model, Cleek-Bunge model, Wang-Kasting-Nitsche model, etc., were reported. Compilation of a well-curated database that includes permeability data for chemicals of interest to cosmetics risk assessment would be beneficial for both research and regulatory use to create reliable predictive models for skin permeation. The Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022 (MoCRA) indicates the sense from Congress that animal testing should not be used for the purposes of cosmetic safety assessment (with the exception of appropriate allowances). In addition, given that animal testing is being banned in a number of jurisdictions and cosmetics are marketed internationally, it is critical that validated alternative methods are developed. Therefore, reliable and robust skin permeability data will be needed to predict the toxicity from exposure to cosmetics. A database of skin permeation data and a repository of skin permeability predictive models would support dermal exposure assessment of cosmetic ingredients and potential impurities in cosmetic products. In the 2024-2025 project, we developed a user-friendly interface for the database and commonly used predictive models for skin permeability executable locally and online (https://dermal-permeability.onrender.com/), and added key experimental parameters by reviewing in vivo and in vitro skin permeability guidances from EFSA, OECD and WHO. In the 2025-2026 project, we will focus on adding skin permeability data from publications to the database with assistance from generative artificial intelligence (AI). Additionally, we will identify AI/Machine Learning (ML) and/or mechanistically based models to predict skin permeability.
Horizon Scanning and Trend Analysis in Agricultural Biotechnology
Principle Investigator: McMahon, Carrie
Location: Human Foods Program (HFP) University Station, 4300 River Road, College Park, MD (Hybrid of Remote/In-person)
- Use and/or refine the query search terms to identify relevant news and scientific literature
- Establish a systematic search strategy
- Provide information needed for WILEE team to establish a machine learning approach
- Identify true/false articles provided by WILEE team
- Analyze data and identify new trends
- Summarize conclusions drawn from database
- Present findings to Innovative Foods Staff
Project Needs and Duration:
The applicant should have a background in biology, preferably plant science, molecular and/or cellular biology, or genetics, with an interest in agricultural biotechnology. Familiarity with searching scientific literature databases such as PubMed and strong analytical and written communication skills is also needed. Basic knowledge of MS Office (e.g., Excel), data analysis, and/or computer science is desirable. The estimated duration of the internship project is one year.
Time requirements include 8-10 h/week during the school year and 30 h/week during break sessions.
Plant genetic engineering and genome editing are rapidly advancing, making it possible for a growing number of plant biotechnology developers to bring food crops with innovative new traits to the market. The Innovative Foods Staff in FDA’s Office of Food Chemical Safety, Dietary Supplements, and Innovation (OFCSDSI), works with developers to ensure that food from new plant varieties developed with biotechnology are safe and lawful. To be successful in their mission to protect public health while supporting scientific innovation, it is important that members of this team are prepared for future developments in the use of plant biotechnology in the food supply.
Horizon scanning is a process intended to gather information to help anticipate and prepare for future developments. This project is a horizon scanning activity that involves monitoring publicly available news and scientific literature for information about the use of plant biotechnology in plants used as food. Information about potential plant biotechnology pipeline products will be added to an internal database for future reference and to enable trend analysis.
The Innovative Foods Staff has an internal “plant biotechnology pipeline monitoring” database. This database has been updated manually by our previous and current JIFSAN Interns. To make the process more efficient, we plan to establish an automatic system through a machine learning approach by partnering with HFP’s WILEE team. The goal is to train WILEE to identify relevant news and scientific literature from publicly available databases and to extract information from those articles for populating the “plant biotechnology pipeline.” This will help OFCSDSI and the agency understand new trends, identify emerging developers, and track global developments in food and agricultural biotechnology.
Development of a Rapid Targeted Amplicon Next Generation Sequence-Based Detection Method for Foodborne Pathogens in Leafy Green Produce
Principle Investigator: Patel, Isha
Location: Human Foods Program (HFP) MOD-1, 8301 Muirkirk Road, Laurel, MD (In-Person)
- Determine limit of detection of artificially contaminated bacterial pathogens when spiked at different CFU in ready to eat produce using DNA isolated from different kits.
- Use real time PCR to confirm the presence of the pathogen in the artificially spiked samples.
Project Needs and Duration:
- Interns from any of the following disciplines would be desirable: microbiology, molecular biology, cell biology, and biochemistry.
- Basic laboratory experience in microbiology/molecular biology/cell biology would be preferable.
The estimated duration of the internship project is one year. Time requirements include 8-10 h/week during the school year and 30 h/week during break sessions.
A major challenge in fresh produce associated outbreaks is to selectively enrich and detect low level foodborne pathogens accurately and rapidly. The short shelf-life of leafy greens makes source tracking difficult. Currently, established WGS methods using the Illumina MiSeq take up to 3 days to sequence and analyze the data once the isolate is selectively enriched. We propose a targeted amplification method followed by metagenomic sequencing approach using the Oxford Nanopore GridION. The GridION offers a unique, scalable sequencing approach that enables direct near real-time sequencing and an overall reduction in the time to obtain results. This is an advantage over the current Illumina based methods that take up to 2 days for the sequencing run to end. With GridION, data analysis can be performed while sequencing is in progress and therefore eliminates the need to wait for the sequencing to be completed thus saving on time. Our goal is to target and amplify pathogen specific genes to improve the detection of those pathogens present in lower amounts that may go undetected due to the abundance of microflora in metagenomic samples. If successful, the outcome of this research will be a highly sensitivity method capable of detecting low-level pathogens in leafy greens and produce. In addition, with near real-time information using the GridION, the response time and source attribution during outbreaks is expected to save at least 2 days. All this goes toward supporting FDA’s regulatory role in protecting public health.
A Metagenomic Approach using Target Enrichment-based Next Generation Sequencing for Detecting and Identifying Insect Fragments in Food
Principle Investigator: Pava-Ripoll, Monica
Location: Human Foods Program (HFP), Wiley Building, 5001 Campus Drive, College Park, MD (In-Person)
- Perform QC on extracted genomic DNA from a variety of food products.
- Be proficient in genomic library preparation and/or target enrichment protocols for NGS.
- Detect amplification of target genes from insects in spiked foods using molecular methods such as PCR.
- Socialize results of project in meetings/conferences.
Project Needs and Duration:
Students who have experience with: Genetics, genomics, laboratory experience with micropipettes, reagent preparation, etc.
The estimated duration of the internship project is one year. Time requirements include 8-10 h/week during the school year and 30 h/week during break sessions.
Developing a metagenomics method for identifying arthropods in food products.
Food products can be adulterated with insects. Insect fragments in food are currently detected by removing them from the food matrix and then quantifying and taxonomically identifying them via microscopic analysis. For regulatory purposes, both identification and quantification are pertinent because they offer details about the degree and source of insect adulteration (field pests versus storage pests, for instance). Nevertheless, taxonomical identification of the insect fragments through microscopy takes a long time and requires a high level of expertise from the analysts. It also doesn't always yield resolution down to the species level.
The study of metagenomics makes it possible to create new methods for more accurately identifying eukaryotes, like insects, in food samples. Because eucaryotic species have multiple copies of their mitochondrial DNA, metagenomics becomes extremely sensitive when paired with mitochondrial sequencing.
This project uses shotgun metagenomics to develop and validate a new method for detection and identification of insect fragments in food products. Once validated, this method will be applied in labs to identify more insects found in food and stop food that contains avoidable insect contamination from getting to consumers.
Evaluation of the use of a gut-on-a-chip system for in vitro Propagation of Cyclospora cayetanensis
Principle Investigator: Sahu, Surasri
Location: Human Foods Program (HFP) MOD-1, 8301 Muirkirk Road, Laurel, MD
- Assist in the establishment and maintenance of the organ-on-a-chip system.
- Perform/assist experiments designed to evaluate system parameters for propagation of the apicomplexan parasites.
- Contribute to data analysis using currently available statistical analysis tools.
- Contribute to communication of the research findings by involving in preparations on posters, and manuscripts.
- Checking the growth/survival possibility of testing parasites in biopsy-derived organoids in-vitro and/or organ-on-chip system.
- Develop a detection method of testing parasites using different molecular biological methods including dPCR, genome sequencing etc.
- Develop a detection method testing organism using microscopy or imaging system.
Project Needs and Duration:
- The student intern should have had at least some General Microbiology courses with labs.
- The student should have some familiarity in using computer programs other than MS office.
- Students should be able to work in the laboratory using different kinds of experimental procedures, including cell biology and molecular biology methodologies.
The estimated duration of the internship project is one year. Time requirements include 8-10 h/week during the school year and 30 h/week during break sessions.
Cyclospora cayetanensis, a microscopic intestinal parasite, causes food-borne and water-borne infections in endemic and epidemic fashion worldwide. In the US, food-borne outbreaks of C. cayetanensis have been an ongoing public health problem since mid-1990s. Current scientific knowledge suggest that this parasite is human specific, causes an intestinal disease called cyclosporiasis. Previous studies were unable to show propagation of C. cayetanensis in in vivo or in vitro systems. Also, due to the lack of animal models, the only source for oocysts for the research program to propagate C. cayetanensis in vitro, would be the oocysts obtained from patient stool samples. Scarcity of these samples renders such research impossible. To overcome this hurdle, we propose to use other related apicomplexan organisms such as Cryptosporidium spp., Toxoplasma gondii, and/or Eimeria spp., that could serve as a model for evaluating the gut-on-a-chip model, prior to testing C. cayetanensis. Cryptosporidium oocysts are the only commercially available oocysts, making these organisms amenable for starting this research projects. The organ-on-a-chip technology emulates the complexity of human gut structurally and physiologically in vitro, providing a viable research platform for challenging scientific problems such as in vitro propagation of C. cayetanensis.
Single Lab Validation of a Nitrogen Sustained Microwave Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectrometer for Nutrient Element Analysis of Foods
Principle Investigator: Carter, Jake
Location: Human Foods Program (HFP) Wiley Building, 5001 Campus Drive, College Park, MD (In-Person)
- Learn applied atomic spectroscopy theory to better understand potential pitfalls between different atomic spectrometry techniques and different plasma sources.
- Learn how to quantitatively prepare samples for atomic spectrometry analysis. Working at trace element concentrations requires more attention and detail than what is taught in general chemistry laboratory experiments. Example: Sample massing, sample transfer to digestion vessels, reagent massing and transfer to digestion vessels, gravimetric dilutions, clean chemistry—working in a clean room environment.
- Prepare samples spanning the AOAC Food Triangle (i.e. foods with varying amounts of fats, protein, and carbs) for acid extraction. Quantitatively perform microwave assisted digestions of all samples and quality control materials for the project.
- Prepare external standard calibration curves for quantitative analysis on plasma OES instruments.
- Perform daily instrument checks and calibrations. Maintain instruments throughout the project (e.g., cleaning plasma torches, changing pump tubing, calibrating instrument spectrometer).
- Perform instrumental analyses of all validation foods to meet the definition of single lab validation in the Chemical Methods Food Validation Guidelines.
- Process all instrumental data to convert instrument response to element mass fractions.
Project Needs and Duration:
- Demonstrated success in quantitative chemical analysis coursework and lab exercises.
- Research in a lab environment involving quantitative sample preparation and instrumental analysis.
- Soft skills related to the intern’s ability to operate both in independent work within the lab under the advisor’s guidance and in a team environment within the branch.
The estimated duration of the internship project is one year. Time requirements include 8-10 h/week during the school year and 30 h/week during break sessions.
EAM 4.4 is a recently updated method covering up to 23 elements in foods using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). Currently undergoing a multi- laboratory validation, EAM 4.4 has been single lab validated and shown to be fit for purpose for regulatory analysis. ICP-OES is a workhorse technique for atomic emission spectrometry with multielement capabilities based on the energy rich, Ar supported plasma.
Recent research has shown novel plasma sources are capable of quantitative atomic emission spectrometry at lower cost. Of note is the microwave-sustained, inductively coupled, atmospheric-pressure plasma (MICAP), where MICAP optical emission spectrometry (MICAP- OES) is tolerant of potentially harsh matrices routinely encountered during food regulatory analyses. Prior results demonstrated suitable accuracy for nutrient elements in organic solvents and high salt solutions. In addition to its ruggedness, the N2 supported plasma leads to lower operational costs compared to the traditional Ar ICP. Therefore, if proved to be suitable for nutrient element analysis via a successful single lab validation, MICAP-OES may be an efficient alternative for regulatory analysis of nutrients in food compared to the traditional ICP-OES instrumentation commonly found in FDA field labs.
OLOAS/OCT/DBC/CCB has recently purchased and installed a MICAP-OES for testing and validation. The data gathered from the project will determine the metrics of performance of the new technique and suitability of the platform for regulatory analysis where accuracy and low uncertainty are required in addition to cost efficiency.
Screening of Chemical Residues and Contaminants Food using UHPLC-HRMS and a Compound Database
Principle Investigator: Wong, Jon
Location: Human Foods Program (HFP) Wiley Building, 5001 Campus Drive, College Park, MD (In-Person)
- Maintain inventory of pesticide and other chemical standards.
- Develop high resolution MS/MS libraries and compound databases for pesticides and other chemicals (veterinary drugs and mycotoxins).
- Develop methods to analyze and screen pesticides in different (primarily low moisture and high fat) food types.
- Operate LC-MS instruments and process results.
- Interpret results.
Project Needs and Duration:
1. Good academic standing (preferably sophomore or advanced freshman).
2. Background in science, engineering (preferably science or engineering majors).
3. Strong work ethic, inquisitive, pro-active, comfortable in a laboratory environment.
4. Coursework in general and organic chemistry (though not necessary).
5. Interested in science or engineering.
6. Good computer skills.
The estimated duration of the internship project is one year. Time requirements include 8-10 h/week during the school year and 30 h/week during break sessions.
One of the roles of the FDA's food safety program is to monitor for the presence of chemical residues and contaminants such as pesticides in foods. The FDA is responsible to enforce pesticide tolerances that are established by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Since there are many pesticides and food types, improvement of current methods or development of methods to identify and quantify these potentially harmful chemicals presents many challenges. This research involves the development of new technology and the expansion of current procedures to new chemicals and food matrices for monitoring and surveillance.
This research will involve the use of liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry and a non-targeted Data Acquisition for Target Analysis (nDATA) workflow to expand and improve current FDA procedures for the analysis of pesticides and other residues and contaminants (e.g., veterinary drugs, mycotoxins) in FDA regulated products. These applications will result in the improvement or complement existing procedures by providing rugged, rapid, and robust multiresidue methods suitable for FDA and non-FDA laboratories.
Advancing LC-MS-based Multi-mycotoxin Analysis for Regulatory Monitoring and Surveillance
Principle Investigator: Zhang, Kai
Location: Human Foods Program (HFP), Wiley Building, 5001 Campus Drive, College Park, MD (In-Person)
- Characterize homogeneity using laser diffraction particle size analysis and real-time image analysis in representative (e.g., cereal grains) and challenging matrix groups (e.g., spices).
- Perform extension of Compendial Method C-003 to priority commodities for regulatory analysis (e.g., dried fruits, DDGs, tree nuts, confectionary/candy, coffee, tortillas, and spices) and instrument platforms (e.g., 7500+ QTRAP)
- Develop a method to determine trichothecenes (e.g., nivalenol, deoxynivalenol, 3/15-acetyl- deoxynivalenol, and deoxynivalenol 3-glucoside) in baby cereals using differential ion mobility technology (e.g., SelexIon+).
Project Needs and Duration:
- Dedication to food safety
- Interest in food analysis
- Basic understanding of analytical chemistry
The estimated duration of the internship project is one year. Time requirements include 8-10 h/week during the school year and 30 h/week during break sessions.
Aligned with the ongoing evaluation of automation, we aim to expand the use of an automated sample preparation platform and incorporate particle size analysis to improve mycotoxin testing in new and challenging matrices. Laborious sample preparation and insufficient characterization of sample homogeneity are well-known challenges, but often excluded from LC-MS based multi-mycotoxin analysis due to the lack of adequate methodologies. The goal of this study is to develop an automated sample preparation workflow using robotic tools to streamline sample preparation for mycotoxin testing. This study will also evaluate the integration of a rotary sample divider and a laser diffraction particle size analyzer to characterize sample homogeneity in representative and challenging commodities such as cereal grains, peanut butter, dried fruits, confectionary/candy, coffee, tortillas, dried distillers grains (DDGs), tree nuts, and spices. For new matrix groups and instrument platforms, an extension of Compendial Method C-003 will be performed following the FDA Foods Program Guidelines for the Validation of Chemical Methods. Commodities outside of the standard performance range for C-003 will be catalogued and considered for advanced development. In addition to sample and matrix considerations, monitoring the co-occurrence of deoxynivalenol and its metabolites has been an important but underexplored topic. To assess occurrence, the current study will aim to develop new methodology to investigate deoxynivalenol metabolites in cereal grain commodities. Combined, the study will generate scientific data to evaluate the suitability of automated sample preparation, the incorporation of particle size analysis to characterize sample homogeneity, and extension of Compendial Method C-003 to build capacity and support growth of the mycotoxin program.
Quantitation of gluten in fermented or hydrolyzed foods by a multiplex competitive ELISA
Principle Investigator: Panda, Rakhi
Location: Human Foods Program (HFP), Wiley Building, 5001 Campus Drive, College Park, MD (In-Person)
- Preparation of model gluten-incurred yeast and bacteria-fermented food products such as alcoholic cider, cheese, kombucha, beer, and vinegar.
- Analysis of gluten-incurred fermented food samples using incurred yogurt and intact gluten calibrant with the multiplex-competitive ELISA, and evaluation of the precision and accuracy of the quantitation.
- Compare the analytical results obtained from the multiplex-competitive ELISA with other commercial competitive ELISAs for fermented/hydrolyzed gluten analysis.
Project Needs and Duration:
- Basic pipetting skill, skills of weighing and measuring accurately, knowledge of food product preparation.
- Courses in Analytical Chemistry and Basic Food Science is preferred but not required.
The estimated duration of the internship project is one year. Time requirements include 8-10 h/week during the school year and 30 h/week during break sessions.
Celiac disease (CD) affects approximately 1% of the world’s population and is triggered by the interaction of gluten (from wheat, rye and barley and possibly oat) with the intestinal mucosa of sensitive individuals. Currently there is no treatment available for CD, and the only option to avoid a serious reaction is to follow a lifelong gluten-free diet. Reliable and accurate quantitation of gluten in foods and ingredients is paramount to meet this goal as well as to comply with the gluten-free regulations enacted by the regulatory bodies throughout the world. Accurate quantitation of gluten in fermented or hydrolyzed foods is challenging due to the lack of appropriate calibrants and variable proteolysis. Recently, it was possible to accurately quantitate gluten in dairy products and sourdough using gluten-incurred yogurt as a calibrant with a multiplex-competitive ELISA. Further, an intact gluten calibrant has been evaluated, and the calibrant is currently being used with the multiplex-competitive ELISA to quantify gluten in dairy products and sourdough, to provide information on ppm “intact gluten equivalent” present in the fermented foods. The intern working on this project will use both the intact gluten calibrant and the incurred yogurt calibrant with the multiplex-competitive ELISA to evaluate gluten quantitation in fermented foods such as alcoholic cider, cheese, kombucha, beer, and vinegar. The intern will be involved in the preparation of gluten incurred model fermented or hydrolyzed foods, analysis of the products by the multiplex-competitive ELISA, and assist with the validation process of the method.
Analysis of cannabis-derived consumer products by LC-MS
Principle Investigator: Pawar, Rahul
Location: Human Foods Program (HFP), Wiley Building, 5001 Campus Drive, College Park, MD (In-Person)
- Prepare analytical standards.
- Prepare sample extracts.
- Maintain inventory of chemical standards and products.
- Learn daily operations of an analytical laboratory including planning experiments, assisting in sample preparation, and instrumental analysis.
- Analyze LC-MS data and perform statistical analyses.
Project Needs and Duration:
- Good academic standing.
- Strong work ethic, inquisitive, pro-active, and comfortable in a laboratory environment.
- Coursework in general and organic chemistry.
- Interest in analytical chemistry.
- Basic computer skills, including Excel.
The estimated duration of the internship project is one year. Time requirements include 8-10 h/week during the school year and 30 h/week during break sessions.
In the past few years, there has been a growing interest in cannabis-derived products and many diverse product formulations are available to consumers. As the cannabinoid market diversifies and emerging natural and synthetic cannabinoids gain popularity, it is critical to evolve market surveillance capabilities to understand emerging cannabinoid hemp product (CHP) market segments. Traditional approaches use targeted methods to measure concentrations of key bioactives (e.g., cannabinoids), contaminants, and impurities. However, as new formulations of CHPs are brought to the market, a method capable of recognizing all known cannabinoids and structurally related compounds is needed. In the current project, a non-targeted LC-HRMS method and molecular networking workflow will be developed to recognize natural, synthetic, and cannabinoid-derived synthetic byproducts in complex matrices, including foods and products marketed as dietary supplements. This strategy will provide the Agency with a better understanding of emerging CHPs in the current marketplace and offer a robust analytical solution to identify safety signals and inform a new regulatory framework for CHPs.
Nutritional Sciences
Research, develop, and perform Data quality control measures to curate regulatory information
Principle Investigator: Girmay, Berhane
Location: Human Foods Program (HFP) University Station, 4300 River Road, College Park, MD (Hybrid of Remote/In-person)
The intern will continue to research and learn the FARM Data Quality utility and apply this knowledge to:
- Identify historical records, apply correct metadata and corrections to the records and update in the appropriate folder structure and roadmap.
- Document the methodology used in the automation and curation process and generate periodic reports summarizing corrections made using the Food Applications and Regulatory Management system (FARM) reporting tools.
- Identify limitations of FARM utility tools and assist in providing requirements for the enhancement of FARM utility tools using potential automation tools.
The intern will also learn the regulatory processes used by offices of Food Chemical Safety, Dietary Supplements and Innovation (OFCSDSI), Office of Pre-Market Additive Safety (OFCSDSI-OPMAS), Office of Post-Market Safety (OFCSDSI-OPMA), Office of Dietary Supplement Programs (OFCSDSI-ODSP), OFCSDSI-Innovation Foods Staff, OFCSDSI Operations Staff, and Nutrition Center of Excellence-Office of Nutrition and Food Labeling (ONFL) in the FDA's Human Foods Program (HFP) by interacting with the technical staff, contractors, regulatory and scientific reviewers while performing and supporting the data curation tasks.
Project Needs and Duration:
Computer science with Machine Language emphasis, information technology, or data science related courses that enable the intern to understand information technology applications. The intern will interact with regulatory scientists and contractors to learn and contribute new ideas or methods for the enhancement of the system utility for performing data quality measures.
The estimated duration of the internship project is one year. Time requirements include 8-10 h/week during the school year and 30 h/week during break sessions.
This project provides an opportunity to learn about an end-to-end regulatory information management system known as the Food Applications and Regulatory Management system (FARM) which houses current and historical, scientific and regulatory food safety data spanning over 60 years. The project will help to update historical regulatory records withcorrect metadata to improve the findability of regulatory and safety information of submissions and documents for use by scientific reviewers in the Human Foods Program (HFP). The project includes performing quality control using the system data correction utility, developing enhancements to the utility tool, documenting methodology, and learning how to generate summary reports. The Office of Food Chemical Safety, Dietary Supplements and Innovation (OFCSDSI), Office of Pre-Market Additive Safety (OFCSDSI-OPMAS), Office of Post-Market Safety (OFCSDSI-OPMA), Office of Dietary Supplement Programs (OFCSDSI-ODSP), OFCSDSI-Innovation Foods Staff, OFCSDSI Operations Staff, and Nutrition Center of Excellence-Office of Nutrition and Food Labeling (ONFL) in FDA's Human Foods Program (HFP) utilize the FARM system as an official regulatory document repository because it captures scientific, regulatory, and administrative information about submissions pertaining to the food additives, food packaging materials, dietary supplements, and health claims. In addition, the system is a repository of correspondence from congress, industry, and citizens as well as Freedom of Information (FOI) requests and responses. The system has gone through several upgrades, and HFP continues to improve and enhance system capabilities and is being used by the FDA’s Office of Chief Scientist-Office of Color and Cosmetics (OCAC) for tracking correspondence and inquiries. FARM system is also enhancing its capabilities to optimize regulatory data management by integrating with other FDA interfacing systems that are used by regulatory review scientists in performing their duties to meet the Food, Drug and Cosmetics Act (FD&C Act) statutory deadlines. The findability of relevant information from historical food safety records is crucial for the HFP’s Pre and Post-Market activities.
Identifying trends in the production and use of cosmetics by analyzing industry and consumer inquiries
Principle Investigator: Petro, Elizabeth
Location: Human Foods Program (HFP), University Station, 4300 River Road, College Park, MD (Hybrid of Remote/In-person)
The intern will review inquiries, identify frequently-asked questions (FAQs), draft responses to these FAQs (in collaboration with FDA colleagues with cosmetics expertise, both scientific and regulatory), and respond to inquiries that are not addressed in the FAQs. Consolidated FAQs will also be posted proactively to our web page and used to develop guidance documents to provide better customer service to both consumers and the regulated industry alike. The intern will also refine and enhance the metrics developed in the first year of the project, propose process improvements based on those metrics, and measure the success of process interventions using the new metrics.
Project Needs and Duration:
The ideal intern will have strong communication skills and a science/public health background such that the individual will be able to recognize patterns, handle competing priorities, and be very curious and ask many questions. The estimated duration of the internship project is one year. Time requirements include 8-10 h/week during the school year and 30 h/week during break sessions.
The Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022 (MoCRA) is the most significant expansion of FDA’s authority to regulate cosmetics since the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic (FD&C) Act was passed in 1938. This new law will help ensure the safety of cosmetic products many consumers use daily. With the passage of this new law, we have received an influx of questions from consumers and the regulated industry alike to our Food and Cosmetics Information Center (FCIC) and to our QuestionsAboutMoCRA@fda.hhs.gov email addresses. These questions have provided insights into areas of the law that need further clarification and eventual guidance, as well as letting us know some of industry’s concerns regarding implementation of many of the provisions. In addition to providing customer service to these inquirers, these inquiries provide valuable data, which, when analyzed, will allow FDA to better prioritize use of its limited public health resources. In the 2024-2025 project, we developed metrics and implemented certain process improvements. For the 2025-2026 project, we will refine and enhance the previous metrics using a new process, and measure the success of process interventions using these new metrics.
Public Health
Trade Complaint Review Process Development and Implementation
Principle Investigator: Hughes, Jamie
Location: Human Foods Program (HFP), Wiley Building, 5001 Campus Drive, College Park, MD (Remote)
The intern will:
- Log incoming complaints
- Monitor the review process
- Assist with the development of revised procedures by drafting flowcharts and SOPs for the process
- Identify and implement automation to improve efficiency
- Participate in meetings with stakeholders to inform and improve processes
Project Needs and Duration:
- Experience with computer software including Power Automate, Power Apps, SharePoint, Visio, Excel and Dataverse preferred
- Some chemistry, biology/microbiology, analytics and/or statistics coursework
- Ability to work as part of a team
The estimated duration of the internship project is one year. Time requirements include 8-10 h/week during the school year and 30 h/week during break sessions.
HFP receives a number of complaints from industry members each year indicating concerns, potential hazards or non-compliant regulatory behaviors. The Office of Compliance (OC) plays a leadership role in managing the review and monitoring the follow-up of these complaints. OC is seeking an intern to assist with re-envisioning the review procedure, automating the process and assisting with the monitoring of complaints received.