Microbiology Survey in Surface Waters in Latin America

Contact: Magaly Toro, PhD.


This research collaborative project started in late 2018 as a survey of Salmonella in water in Chile and México with the collaboration of local Universities: Universidad de Chile, Universidad Andrés Bello (Chile), and Universidad Autónoma de México (UNAM). In late 2022, two teams in Brazil joined the effort: Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro and Universidade Federal da Paraíba, and the Universidad Católica de Chile replaced the Universidad Andrés Bello. The project has expanded from its beginnings, and in 2021, teams started to collect samples for a Microbiome study of surface waters. In 2023-2024, teams are also running a pilot study isolating Listeria monocytogenes from the same samples. This project is funded by the cooperative award between the FDA Human Foods Program (HFP) and JIFSAN.

Purpose of the Project

One of the main missions of the US FDA is to protect the food supply and consumers' health in the country. Under this goal, the GenomeTrakr network was created to provide sequencing information on foodborne pathogens, improving foodborne outbreak investigation speed and accuracy and reducing the number of affected people. Considering that most of the US food supply is imported, having information on foodborne pathogens originating in grow-producing countries is fundamental to having a successful system. In particular, Latin America is a region where most of the produce imported to the US is grown. Surface water is one of the main systems where the environment and human and animal activities converge; therefore, surveying waters would allow us to have a picture of the ecosystem of a region efficiently. As Salmonella is one of the main foodborne pathogens in the world, this study first aimed to provide information about the diversity of Salmonella in surface waters linked to agricultural areas in Latin America.


Over 4,700 samples have been collected for surveying Salmonella in surface waters linked to agriculture in the three countries, and over 7,000 Salmonella isolates have been collected. Salmonella isolates are sequenced, and data is publicly available on the NCBI Pathogen Detection browser. To date, over 4,700 Salmonella genomes are available. Additionally, over 200 metagenomics sequencing have been processed, data has been generated for analysis, and over 450 Listeria monocytogenes isolates have been sequenced to date. Several research papers and a meta-analysis review have been published in peer-reviewed journals: Rocha et al., 2022; Toro et al., 2022; Ballesteros-Nova et al., 2022; and Chen et al., 2024. Currently, two more publications have been submitted for consideration for publication, and five are in preparation. The group has presented seven technical oral presentations at scientific meetings and over 40 posters at local and international scientific meetings, including the ASM Microbe and IAFP annual meetings. Moreover, the PIs in each country have also been invited to present talks at local and international meetings. Finally, this research has aided in catalyzing interaction among the participants' principal investigators, who are embarking on new collaborations.

International Collaborators

Andrea Moreno Switt, PhD. PI, U. Católica de Chile
Angelica Reyes Jara, PhD. PI, U. de Chile
Enrique Delgado Suárez, PhD. PI, U. Autónoma de México (UNAM)
Celso Oliveira, PhD. PI, U. F. da Paraíba
Raquel Bonelli, PhD. PI, U. F. do Rio de Janeiro
Aiko Adell, PhD. Collaborator, Universidad Andrés Bello, Chile

From left to right: Dr. Celso Oliveira (UFPB, Brazil), Dr. Magaly Toro (JIFSAN/UMD, US) and Dr. Raquel Bonelli (UFRJ, Brazil), at IAFP2023, Toronto, Canada.

From left to right:
Dr. Celso Oliveira (UFPB, Brazil),
Dr. Magaly Toro (JIFSAN/UMD, US)
and Dr. Raquel Bonelli (UFRJ, Brazil),
at IAFP2023, Toronto, Canada.

Dr. Enrique Delgado-Suarez (UNAM Mexico), at IAFP 2023, Toronto, Canada

Dr. Enrique Delgado-Suarez (UNAM Mexico), at IAFP 2023, Toronto, Canada

From left to right: Dr. Angelica Reyes-Jara (UCh, Chile), Dr. Magaly Toro (JIFSAN/UMD, US), and Dr. Aiko Adell (UNAB, Chile), IAFP2023, Toronto, Canada.

From left to right: Dr. Angelica Reyes-Jara (UCh, Chile), Dr. Magaly Toro (JIFSAN/UMD, US), and Dr. Aiko Adell (UNAB, Chile), IAFP2023, Toronto, Canada.

Dr. Andrea Moreno-Switt (PUC, Chile), at IAFP 2023, Toronto, Canada.

Dr. Andrea Moreno-Switt (PUC, Chile), at IAFP 2023, Toronto, Canada.


1. Zhao Chen, Magaly Toro, Enrique J. Delgado Suárez, Raquel R Bonelli, Celso J․B Oliveira, Andrea I Moreno-Switt, Aiko D Adell, Angélica Reyes-Jara, Christopher Grim, Marc W. Allard, Sandra M. Tallent, Eric Brown, Rebecca L. Bell, Magaly Toro, Jianghong Meng. “Exploring the genomic and antimicrobial resistance tapestry: comparative insights into Salmonella enterica serotypes Agona, Braenderup, Muenchen, and Panama in Latin American surface waters.” mSphere, 264. e01706- 24.
doi: 10.1128/spectrum.01706-24 https://journals.asm.org/doi/full/10.1128/spectrum.01706-24

            Network plots depict ARG sharing among isolates across countries and serotypes.
            Network plots depict ARG co-occurrence within individual isolates across countries and serotypes.
            Scatter plots depict PCoA by grouping factors of country, serotype, number of ARGs per isolate, presence/absence of plasmids, and presence/absence of integrons across countries and serotypes.
            cgMLST-based minimum spanning trees depict genetic relationships among isolates across countries and serotypes.
            Heatmap, box plot, and Venn diagrams compare pan-genome compositions of isolates across countries and serotypes.
            FIG 2 Numbers of antimicrobial resistance genes (ARGs) for each antimicrobial class per isolate in Salmonella enterica 
            serotypes Agona (A), Braenderup (B), Muenchen (C), and Panama (D) isolates from Latin American surface waters. 
            The distribution of the number of ARGs for each antimicrobial class per isolate is also illustrated in Sankey diagram (E). 
            The thickness of each arc corresponds to the number of ARGs for each antimicrobial class per isolate. 
            The distribution of the number of ARGs per isolate is visualized in the violin plot (F).

2. Xinyang Huang, Magaly Toro, Angélica Reyes-Jara, Andrea I Moreno-Switt, Aiko D Adell, Celso J․B Oliveira, Raquel R Bonelli, Sebastián Gutiérrez, Francisca P Álvarez, Alan Douglas de Lima Rocha, Gabriela B Kraychete, Zhao Chen, Christopher Grim, Eric Brown, Rebecca Bell, Jianghong Meng. “Integrative genome-centric metagenomics for surface water surveillance: Elucidating microbiomes, antimicrobial resistance, and their associations.” Water Research, 264. 2024. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0043135424011072

3. Zhao Chen, Andrea I Moreno-Switt, Angelica Reyes-Jara, Enrique Delgado Suarez, Aiko D Adell, Celso José Bruno Oliveira, Raquel Regina Bonelli, Xinyang Huang, Eric Brown, Marc Allard, Christopher Grim, Rebecca Bell, Jianghong Meng, Magaly Toro. “A multicenter genomic epidemiological investigation in Brazil, Chile, and Mexico reveals the diversity and persistence of Salmonella populations in surface waters.” mBio, July 2024.

4. Zhao Chen, Magaly Toro, Andrea I. Moreno-Switt, Aiko D. Adell, Enrique J. Delgado-Suárez, Raquel R. Bonelli, Celso J. B. Oliveira, Angélica Reyes-Jara, Xinyang Huang, Brett Albee, Christopher J. Grim, Marc Allard, Sandra M. Tallent, Eric W. Brown, Rebecca L. Bell, Jianghong Meng. “Unveiling the genomic landscape of Salmonella enterica serotypes Typhimurium, Newport, and Infantis in Latin American surface waters: a comparative analysis.” mSphere, March 2024.

5. Alejandro Piña-Iturbe., Constanza Díaz-Gavidia, Francisca P. Álvarez, Rocio Barron-Montenegro, Diana M. Álvarez-Espejo, Patricia García, Doina Solís, Rodrigo Constenla-Albornoz, Magaly Toro, Jorge Olivares-Pacheco, Angélica Reyes-Jara, Jianghong Meng, Rebecca L. Bell, Andrea I. Moreno-Switt. “Genomic characterisation of the population structure and antibiotic resistance of Salmonella enterica serovar Infantis in Chile, 2009–2022. The LANCET Regional Health Americas. March 11, 2024.

6. Alan Douglas de Lima Rocha, Rafaela Gomes Ferrari, Walter Esfrain Pereira, Laiorayne Araújo de Lima, Patrícia Emília Naves Givisiez, Andrea I Moreno-Switt, Magaly Toro, Enrique Jesús Delgado Suárez, Jianghong Meng, and Celso José Bruno de Oliveira. “Revisiting the biological behavior of Salmonella enterica in hydric resources: a meta- analysis study addressing the critical role of environmental water on food safety and public health.” Frontiers in Microbiology, April 2022. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2022.802625

7. Ballesteros-Nova NE, Sánchez S, Steffani JL, Sierra LC, Chen Z, Ruíz-López FA, Bell RL, Reed EA, Balkey M, Rubio-Lozano MS, Soberanis-Ramos O, Barona-Gómez F, Brown EW, Allard MW, Meng J, Delgado-Suárez EJ. Genomic Epidemiology of Salmonella enterica circulating in surface waters used in agriculture and aquaculture in central Mexico. Appl Environ Microbiol. 2022 Mar 8;88(5):e0214921. Epub 2022 Jan 12. PMID: 35020454; PMCID: PMC8904062.

8. Magaly Toro, Daniel Weller, Romina Ramos, Leonela Diaz, Francisca Álvarez, Angélica Reyes-Jara, Andrea Moreno-Switt, Jianghong Meng, and Aiko Adell. “Environmental and anthropogenic factors associated with the likelihood of detecting Salmonella in agricultural watersheds.” Environmental Pollution. 2022.

Technical Oral Presentations in Scientific Meetings

1. Enrique J. Delgado-Suárez, Luisa María Sánchez Zamorano, María Salud Rubio-Lozano, Orbelin Soberanis-Ramos, Zhao Chen, Magaly Toro and Jianghong Meng. Emergence of Salmonella Newport strains with worrisome multi-drug resistance profiles in pork, beef, and surface waters in Mexico. IAFP annual meeting 2024, July 14-17, Long Beach, CA.

2. Francisca Álvarez, Valentina Lagos-Leyton, Díaz-Gavidia, C., Diego Fredes-García, Patricia García, Aiko D. Adell, Magaly Toro, Angélica Reyes-Jara, Jianghong Meng, Andrea Moreno-Switt. [Microbiological characterization of Salmonella enterica isolated from Maipo and Mapocho rivers: Serotype analysis, antimicrobial resistance determinants, and antimicrobial susceptibility (2019-2020)] [Spanish]. XLV Chilean Microbiology Conference (SOMICH 2023), Pucón, Chile. December 2023.

3. Pavel Eduardo Hernández Carreño, Luz del Carmen Sierra Gómez Pedroso, Monserrat Jiménez Pérez, Karol Dhamar García García, Magally Guadalupe Pérez-Castro, Erandy Velasco Ávila, Miguel Nidome Campos, Santiago Zapata Ramírez, Aliannys Lázara Puente Cruz, Saida Italivy Sánchez Prado, Enrique J. Delgado Suarez. Surface waters as reservoir of Salmonella enterica serovars of public health significance. National Conference on Livestock Research. National Research Institute on Agriculture and Fisheries. Chihuahua, Mexico. November 8-11, 2023.

4. Monserrat Jiménez Pérez, Karol Dhamar García García, Miguel Nidome Campos, Luz del Carmen Sierra Gómez Pedroso, Enrique J. Delgado Suarez. Influence of selective media on the isolation rate of Salmonella spp. from surface water samples. National Conference on Livestock Research. National Research Institute on Agriculture and Fisheries. Chihuahua, Mexico. November 8-11, 2023.

5. Nayarit Emérita Ballesteros Nova, Saida Sánchez Prado, José Luis Steffani Vallejo, Luz del Carmen Sierra Gómez Pedroso, Zhao Chen, Francisco Alejandro Ruíz-López, María Salud Rubio Lozano, Francisco Barona Gómez, Orbelín Soberanis Ramos, Jianghong Meng, Enrique Jesús Delgado Suárez. Genomic epidemiology, antimicrobial resistance, and transmission dynamics of Salmonella enterica in surface waters from Central Mexico. National Conference on Livestock Research. National Research Institute on Agriculture and Fisheries. Chihuahua, Mexico. November 8-11, 2023.

6. Magaly Toro, Enrique Delgado Suarez, Angelica Reyes-Jara, Andrea Moreno Switt, Aiko Adell, Raquel Regina Bonelli, Celso José Bruno Oliveira, Zhao Chen, Xinyang Huang, Sebastian Gutierrez, Anamaria M. P. dos Santos, Brett Albee, Eric Brown, Marc Allard, Sandra Tallent, Christopher Grim, Rebecca Bell, and Jianghong Meng. Long-term surveillance shows a high prevalence and diversity of Salmonella spp. in surface waters used for food production in Brazil, Chile, and Mexico. IAFP annual meeting 2023, July 16- 19, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

7. Álvarez, F.; Ramos, R.; Fredes-García, D.; Díaz-Gavidia, C.; Adell, A.D.; Toro, M.; Reyes, A.; Meng, J.; Moreno-Switt., A. Estudio longitudinal de la prevalencia de Salmonella en muestras de agua de canales de riego provenientes del río Maipo [Longitudinal study of Salmonella prevalence in irrigation channels from the Maipo River]. VII cumbre INOFOOD, VI EXPO y II poster session. Santiago, Chile. 2022.

8. Enrique Jesus Delgado Suárez, Saida Sánchez Prado, José Luis Steffani Vallejo, Luz del Carmen Sierra Gómez Pedroso, Zhao Chen, Nayarit Emérita Ballesteros Nova, Francisco Barona Gómez, María Salud Rubio Lozano, Orbelín Soberanis Ramos, Jianghong Meng J. Genomic surveillance of Salmonella spp. in surface waters used in agriculture and aquaculture in Mexico. ASM Microbe 2020. December 7-11, 2020.

Dr. Magaly Toro (JIFSAN, UMD) presenting at IAFP 2024, Toronto, Canada, July 2024.

Poster Presentations in Scientific Meetings

1. Francisca P. Álvarez, Constanza Díaz-Gavidia, Valentina Lagos-Leyton, Patricia García, Aiko D. Adell, Magaly Toro, Angélica Reyes-Jara, Rebecca L. Bell, Jianghong Meng, and Andrea Moreno-Switt. Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase (ESBL)-producing Salmonella enterica in agricultural water of the Metropolitan Region of Chile. IAFP annual meeting 2024, July 14-17, Long Beach, CA.

2. Vinicius de Carvalho Moura, Magaly Toro, Gabriela Bergiante Kraychete, Ana Beatriz Romoaldo, Luca Oliveira Valdez, Dennys Monteiro Girão, Esther Helena Rondon Barretto Prado, Moura Souza, Zhao Chen, Xinyang Huang, Maria Balkey, Sandra Tallent, Eric W. Brown, Rebecca Bell, Marc W. Allard, Jianghong Meng, and Raquel Regina Bonelli. Antimicrobial resistance genes in Salmonella enterica obtained from surface waters of two food-production regions in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. IAFP annual meeting 2024, July 14-17, Long Beach, CA.

3. Magaly Toro, Raquel Bonelli, Enrique Delgado Suarez, Celso Oliveira, Andrea Moreno Switt, Angelica Reyes-Jara, Zhao Chen, Xinyang Huang, Rebecca Bell, Eric Brown, Marc Allard, Jianghong Meng. Antimicrobial resistance genes in Salmonella from Latin America surface waters. IAFP annual meeting 2024, July 14-17, Long Beach, CA.

4. Diego Marquez, Catalina Jara, Francisca P. Álvarez, Doina Solís, Paola Navarrete, Andrea Moreno Switt, Jianghong Meng, Magaly Toro and Angelica Reye-Jara. Five years of Listeria monocytogenes surveillance in Chilean watersheds. IAFP 2024 annual meeting, July 14-17, Long Beach, CA.

5. Piña-Iturbe, A.; Díaz-Gavidia, C.; Barron-Montenegro, R.; Álvarez-Espejo, D.M.; García, P.; Álvarez, F.P.; Constenla Albornoz, R.; Solís, D.; Toro, M.; Olivares Pacheco, J.; Reyes-Jara, A.; Meng, J.; Bell, R.L.; Moreno-Switt, A.I. Large-scale genomic analysis reveals widespread dissemination of Salmonella enterica serovar Infantis carrying blaCTX M 65 positive pESI-like megaplasmids in Chile. XLV Chilean Microbiology Conference , SOMICH 2023. Pucón, Chile. December 2023.

6. Díaz-Gavidia, C., Leonela Díaz, Lina Rivas, Rodrigo Martinez, Jose Munita, Jorge Olivares-Pacheco, Aiko Adell, Magaly Toro, Andrea Moreno-Switt. Characterization of the Resistome and Mobile Genetic Elements of Multidrug Resistant E. coli ST131 and ST744 from diverse sources." XLV Chilean Microbiology Conference, SOMICH 2023. Pucón, Chile. December 2023.

7. Fredes-García, D., Álvarez, F.P., Andrea Moreno-Switt, Aiko Adelle, Angelica Reyes-Jara, Patricia García, Magaly Toro. Characterization of Salmonella enterica isolates obtained from surface water samples of the Mapocho and Maipo rivers during the years 2019 - 2020. XLV Chilean Microbiology Conference, SOMICH 2023. Pucón, Chile. December 2023.

8. Valeria Alanis, Nayarit E. Ballesteros, Enrique J. Delgado Suárez. Factor associated with surface waters contamination by Salmonella spp.: water physico-chemical variables and precipitations. National Conference on Livestock Research. National Research Institute on Agriculture and Fisheries. Chihuahua, Mexico. November 8-11, 2023.

9. Magaly Toro, Enrique Delgado Suarez, Angelica Reyes-Jara, Andrea Moreno Switt, Aiko Adell, Raquel Regina Bonelli, Celso José Bruno Oliveira, Zhao Chen, Xinyang Huang, Sebastian Gutierrez, Anamaria M. P. dos Santos, Brett Albee, Eric Brown, Marc Allard, Sandra Tallent, Christopher Grim, Rebecca Bell, and Jianghong Meng. Vigilancia de Salmonella en aguas superficiales de Brazil, Chile, y México. ALAM 2023, Quito, Ecuador.

10. Magaly Toro, Enrique Delgado Suarez, Angelica Reyes-Jara, Andrea Moreno Switt, Aiko Adell, Raquel Regina Bonelli, Celso José Bruno Oliveira, Zhao Chen, Xinyang Huang, Sebastian Gutierrez, Anamaria M. P. dos Santos, Brett Albee, Eric Brown, Marc Allard, Sandra Tallent, Christopher Grim, Rebecca Bell, and Jianghong Meng. Caracterización genómica de Salmonella de aguas superficiales de Brasil, Chile y México. ALAM 2023, Quito, Ecuador.

11. Zhao Chen, Enrique J. Delgado-Suárez, Andrea I. Moreno-Switt, Magaly Toro, Angelica Reyes-Jara, Raquel R. Bonelli, Celso J.B. Oliveira, Xinyang Huang, Brett Albee, Eric W. Brown, Marc Allard, Sandra M. Tallent, Christopher J. Grim, Rebecca Bell, and Jianghong Meng. Comparative genomic analyses of Salmonella Typhimurium, Newport, and Infantis isolates from surface waters in Latin America, 2019-2022. IAFP annual meeting 2023, July 16-19, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

12. Magaly Toro, Enrique Delgado Suarez, Angelica Reyes-Jara, Andrea Moreno Switt, Aiko Adell, Raquel Regina Bonelli, Celso José Bruno Oliveira, Zhao Chen, Xinyang Huang, Sebastian Gutierrez, Anamaria M. P. dos Santos, Brett Albee, Eric Brown, Marc Allard, Sandra Tallent, Christopher Grim, Rebecca Bell, and Jianghong Meng. Genomic characterization and antimicrobial resistance genes in Salmonella spp isolated from surface water in Brazil, Chile, and Mexico. IAFP annual meeting 2023, July 16-19, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

13. Enrique J. Delgado-Suárez, Francisco A. Ruíz-López, María Salud Rubio-Lozano, Orbelín Soberanis-Ramos, Francisco Barona-Gómez, Zhao Chen, Xinyang Huang, Rebecca Bell, Elizabeth A. Reed, Maria Balkey, Brett Albee, Sandra M. Tallent, Eric W. Brown, Marc W. Allard, Magaly Toro, and Jianghong Meng. Genomic surveillance reveals that persistent Salmonella spp. contamination of surface waters from Central Mexico arises from multiple sources and reintroduction events. IAFP annual meeting 2023, July 16-19, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

14. Francisca P. Álvarez, Romina Ramos, Constanza Díaz-Gavidia, Diego Fredes-García, Catalina Vargas, Nicolás Oporto, Aiko D. Adell, Magaly Toro, Angélica Reyes-Jara, Rebecca Bell, Jianghong Meng, Andrea Moreno-Switt. Antimicrobial resistance susceptibility on Salmonella spp. isolated from the Maipo River in Chile. IAFP annual meeting 2023, July 16-19, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. (July 18)

15. Rocío Barrón-Montenegro, Francisca P. Álvarez, Constanza Díaz-Gavidia, Aiko D. Adell, Magaly Toro, Angélica Reyes, Leonela Diaz, Rebecca Bell, Jianghong Meng, Andrea Moreno-Switt. Classification model to predict Salmonella presence in surface waters using longitudinal data collected in central Chile from 2019-2022. IAFP annual meeting 2023, July 16-19, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

16. Sebastian Gutierrez, Leonela Diaz, Francisca P. Álvarez, Constanza Díaz-Gavidia, Diego Fredes-García, Paola Navarrete, Aiko Adell, Andrea Moreno Switt, Angelica Reyes-Jara, Zhao Chen, Xinyang Huang, Brett Albee, Marc Allard, Eric Brown, Rebeca Bell, Jianghong Meng, and Magaly Toro. Genomic analysis reveals long-term Salmonella spp. persistence in surface waters in Chile. IAFP annual meeting 2023, July 16-19, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

17. Maria L. R. Gomes, Celso J. B. Oliveira, Laiorayne A. Lima, Alan D. L. Rocha, Almy S. Carvalho Filho, Nádyra J. Silva, Gustavo F. C. Sales, Zhao Chen, Xinyang Huang, Elizabeth A. Reed, Brett Albee, Maria Balkey, Eric W. Brown, Marc W. Allard, Magaly Toro, Rebecca Bell, and Jianghong Meng. Diversity and antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella enterica serovars from surface water sources in northeastern Brazil. IAFP annual meeting 2023, July 16-19, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

18. Laiorayne Araújo de Lima, Celso J. B. Oliveira, Alan D. L. Rocha, Almy S. Carvalho Filho, Maria L. R. Gomes, Nádyra J. Silva, Gustavo F. C. Sales, Péricles F. Borges, Lázaro S. Araújo, Zhao Chen, Elizabeth A. Reed, Maria Balkey, Eric W. Brown, Marc W. Allard, Magaly Toro, Rebecca Bell, Jianghong Meng. Environmental factors associated with Salmonella enterica occurrence in watersheds in Paraíba, Northeastern Brazil. IAFP annual meeting 2023, July 16-19, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

19. Alan D. L. Rocha, Maria L. R. Gomes, Celso J. B. Oliveira, Laiorayne A. Lima, Almy S. Carvalho Filho1, Nádyra J. Silva, Gustavo F. C. Sales, Zhao Chen, Xinyang Huang, Elizabeth A. Reed, Brett Albee, Maria Balkey, Eric W. Brown, Marc W. Allard, Magaly Toro, Rebecca Bell, and Jianghong Meng Phylogenetic analysis of Salmonella enterica of surface waters from Paraíba State, Northeastern Brazil. IAFP annual meeting 2023, July 16-19, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

20. Raquel Regina Bonelli, Vinicius de Carvalho Moura, Arthur Loback Lopes de Araújo, Esther Helena Rondon Barretto Prado, Dennys Monteiro Girão, Gabriela Bergiante Kraychete, Ana Paula de Souza da Silva, Rossiane de Moura Souza, Ana Beatriz Romoaldo, Luca Oliveira Valdez, Laura Trocilo Miranda, Zhao Chen, Xinyang Huang, Magaly Toro, Elizabeth A. Reed, Brett Albee, Maria Balkey, Sandra Tallent, Eric W. Brown, Rebecca Bell, Marc W. Allard and Jianghong Meng. Occurrence, genetic diversity, and virulome of Salmonella enterica in surface waters of two food-production regions in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. IAFP annual meeting 2023, July 16-19, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

21. Angelica Reyes-Jara, Leonela Díaz, Sebastián Gutiérrez, Adriana Ortiz, Catalina Jara, Francisco Carrasco, Andrea Moreno Switt, Francisca Álvarez, Aiko Adell, Yi Chen, Marc Allard, Eric Brown, Rebeca Bell, Jianghong Meng, Magaly Toro. Detection and antimicrobial susceptibility of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella spp. obtained from Chilean watersheds. IAFP annual meeting 2023, July 16-19, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

22. Constanza Díaz-Gavidia, Carla Barria, Leonela Diaz, Lina Rivas, Rodrigo Martinez, Jose Munita, Jorge Olivares-Pacheco, Aiko Adell, Magaly Toro and Andrea Moreno-Switt. Characterization of the Resistome and Virulome on Antimicrobial-Resistant E. coli isolated from Meat, Vegetables, and Surface Water Samples. IAFP annual meeting 2023, July 16-19, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.

23. Xinyang Huang, Magaly Toro, Angelica Reyes-Jara, Raquel Regina Bonelli, Gabriela Bergiante Kraychete, Andrea Moreno Switt, Francisca Álvarez, Celso José Bruno Oliveira, Sebastian Gutierrez, Zhao Chen, Christopher Grimm, and Jianghong Meng. Time-series and longitudinal metagenomic analysis for surface water samples collected in Chile and Brazil. ASM microbe 2023, June 15- 19, Houston, Texas.

24. Vargas C, Cádiz C, Oporto N, Adell A D, Toro M, Meng J, Reyes-Jara A, Álvarez FP, Fredes-García D, Moreno-Switt A. Caracterización de la resistencia antimicrobiana en aislados de Salmonella Typhimurium e Infantis obtenidas desde muestras de agua del río Maipo en 2019-2020 [Characterization of antimicrobial resistance in Salmonella Infantis isolates from water samples from the Maipo river between 2019-2020]. XLIV Annual meeting of the Chilean Microbiology Society, SOMICH 2022, La Serena, Chile.

25. Parra A, Solar C, Toro C, Moreno-Switt A, Adell A, Meng J, and Reyes-Jara A. Prevalence and genomic analysis of Listeria monocytogenes in Chilean surface water. IAFP Annual Meeting. Pittsburg, USA. July 31 – August 3, 2022.

26. Diaz L, Alvarez F, Campos M, Reyes-Jara A., Adell A., Moreno Switt A, Meng J and Toro M. Isolation of Salmonella spp from surface water potentially used for produce irrigation in the Metropolitan Region, Chile, 2021. IAFP Annual Meeting. Pittsburg, USA. July 31 – August 3, 2022.

27. Gutiérrez S, Reyes-Jara A, Moreno Switt A, Adell A, Meng J, Toro M. Whole-Genome characterization and phylogenomic analysis reveals the dissemination of strains Salmonella Infantis Multi-Antimicrobial Resistance around the world mediated by Salmonella Infantis Emerging Plasmid (pESI-like). ASM Microbe. June 9-13, 2022, Washington, DC, United States.

28. Alvarez-Espejo D; Barrón R; Olivares-Pacheco J; Constenla R; Toro M; Gutiérrez S; Lozano F; García P; Moreno-Switt A. Genotypic and phenotypic characterization of multidrug-resistant Salmonella Infantis from humans, poultry meat, and water in metropolitan region and Valparaíso regions, Chile. ASM Microbe. June 9-13, 2022, Washington, DC, United States.

29. De Carvalho Moura, C., Araújo A. L. L, Silva Almeida F. E., Girão D. M. e Bonelli R. R. Recovering and identification of Salmonella sp. from surface waters of agricultural regions of the Rio de Janeiro state: sorting a collection of isolates for future studies with an emphasis in serovar determination and antimicrobial resistance based on genomic resources. UFRJ Scientific Meeting for Undergraduate Students. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; March 22-26, 2021.

30. Toro M., Moreno Switt A. I., Adell A., Gutierrez S., Diaz L., Alvarez F., Reyes Jara A., Chen Z., Meng J. Persistence of Salmonella spp. in surface water in Chile. ASM Conference on Rapid Applied Microbial Next-Generation Sequencing and Bioinformatic Pipelines. Virtual meeting, USA. December 7-11, 2020.

31. Solar, C., Oyarce-Caro, F., Quesille-Villalobos, AM., Jara, E., Díaz, L., Cordero, N., Moreno, A., Adell, A., Toro, M., Reyes-Jara, A. Frecuencia de aislamiento de Listeria monocytogenes desde aguas de río y hortalizas de Chile y su respuesta frente a cobre antimicrobiano [Isolation frequency of L. monocytogenes from river and produce samples in Chile and isolate response to antimcirobial copper]. VII Latin American Symposium of Food Safety IAFP. Virtual meeting, Chile. December 9 - 10, 2020.

32. Obreque F, Díaz L, Guevara R, Baros C, Reyes-Jara A, Adell A, Moreno-Switt A, Meng J, Toro M. Aislamiento e identificación de Salmonella spp. y Escherichia coli productora de shigatoxinas (STEC) en aguas superficiales de la región del Maule, Chile. VII Latin American Symposium of Food Safety IAFP. Virtual meeting, Chile. December 9 - 10, 2020.

33. Álvarez FP, Ramos RR, Baros Jorquera C, Guevara R, Toro M, Adell AD, Moreno-Switt A, Meng J. Presencia y factores de riesgo de Salmonella en aguas superficiales de los ríos Mapocho y Maipo en Chile. VII Latin American Symposium of Food Safety IAFP. Virtual meeting, Chile. December 9 - 10, 2020.

34. Álvarez FP, Fredes D, Ramos R R, Baros Jorquera C, Guevara R, Toro M, Adell AD, Moreno-Switt A, Meng J. Análisis fenotípico de resistencia a antibióticos de aislados de Salmonella desde aguas superficiales de los ríos Mapocho y Maipo. VII Latin American Symposium of Food Safety IAFP. Virtual meeting, Chile. December 9 - 10, 2020.

35. Gutiérrez S, Reyes-Jara A, Moreno Switt A, Adell A, Meng J, Toro M. Mega plásmido de Salmonella Infantis aisladas en aguas superficiales de la región Metropolitana, Chile podría transferir resistencia a múltiples antimicrobianos, desinfectantes y metales. XLII Annual meeting of the Chilean Microbiology Society, SOMICH. Virtual meeting, Chile. December 2-4, 2020.

36. Toro M, Díaz L, Obreque F, Oyarce F, Roberts P, Adell A, Moreno Switt A, Levicán A, Reyes-Jara A, Meng J. Foodborne Pathogens in Surface Water from the Maule Region, Chile. IAFP Annual Meeting. Virtual meeting, USA. October 26 – 28, 2020.

37. Diaz, L.; Obreque F.; Guevara, R.; Baros, C.; Adell, A.; Moreno Switt, A.; Meng J.; Toro, M. “Aislamiento e identificación de Salmonella spp. en aguas superficiales de la región del Maule, Chile”. XXXI Annual meeting of the Chilean Microbiology Society, SOMICH. Puerto Varas, Chile. November 05 – 08, 2019.

38. Oyarce-Caro, F.; Jara, C.; Jara, E.: Quesille-Villalobos, A.; Diaz, L.; Troncoso, M.; Cordero, N.; Moreno Switt, A.; Adell, A.: Toro, M.; Reyes Jara, A. Aislamiento y caracterización de Listeria monocytogenes desde aguas de rio y verduras de Chile Central. XXXI Annual meeting of the Chilean Microbiology Society, SOMICH. Puerto Varas, Chile. November 05 – 08, 2019.

39. Alvarez, F.P.; Sosa, P.; Baros Jorquera, C.; Guevara, R.; Toro, M.; Adell, A., Moreno Switt, A., Meng, J. Aislamiento de Salmonella desde muestras ambientales de agua superficiales desde los ríos Mapocho y Maipo. XXXI Annual meeting of the Chilean Microbiology Society, SOMICH. Puerto Varas, Chile. November 05 – 08, 2019.

40. Oyarce, F.; Jara, C.; Jara, E.; Quesille-Villalobos, A.M.; Diaz,L; Adell, A.; Moreno- Switt, A.; Toro, M.; Reyes-Jara, A. Isolation and characterization of Listeria monocytogenes from rivers waters of the Central Region of Chile (2019). International Symposium on Problems of Listeria and Listeriosis 2019 (ISOPOL). Toronto, Canada. September 24-27, 2019.

Dr. Raquel Bonelli (UFRJ) presenting at IAFP 2023, Toronto, Canada, July 2024

Dr. Raquel Bonelli (UFRJ) presenting at IAFP 2023, Toronto, Canada, July 2024

Dr. Enrique Delgado-Suárez (UNAM) presenting at IAFP 2023, Toronto, Canada, July 2024

Dr. Enrique Delgado-Suárez (UNAM) presenting at IAFP 2023, Toronto, Canada, July 2024

Invited talks

1. Toro M, 2024. “Salmonella in surface waters in Latin America: JIFSAN collaborative project.” In Symposium “On the intersection of water /environmental sampling and food safety: A One Health Approach.” Singapore International Water Week. June 18-22, 2024. Singapore.

2. Reyes-Jara A, 2024. Identificación y caracterización de Salmonella y L. monocytogenes en aguas superficiales. In workshop “Aplicación de la secuenciación del genoma completo (WGS) en brotes de enfermedades transmitidas por el agua y los alimentos” Lima, Perú, January 29-30, 2024.

3. Delgado-Suarez EJ, 2024. [Overcoming barriers of new generation sequencing in developing countries: a success case in Mexico]. In workshop “Aplicación de la secuenciación del genoma completo (WGS) en brotes de enfermedades transmitidas por el agua y los alimentos” Lima, Perú, January 29-30, 2024.

4. Moreno-Switt A, 2024. [Salmonella in Chile]. In workshop “Aplicación de la secuenciación del genoma completo (WGS) en brotes de enfermedades transmitidas por el agua y los alimentos” Lima, Perú, January 29-30, 2024.

5. Reyes-Jara A, 2023. [Salmonella: point of view from research at INTA-Universidad de Chile] IN; Jornada de Control de Salmonella y Resistencia Antimicrobiana en producción avícola. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. November 17th, 2023.

6. Toro, M. 2023. JIFSAN Project – Salmonella in Surface Water in Latin America. GenomeTrakr Meeting. October 25, 2023. College Park, Maryland.

7. Delgado Suárez, EJ. 2023. Surface waters as reservoir and hub for Salmonella dissemination in the ecosystem. International Workshop on Environmental and Ecosystem Health. Collaborative networks for ecosystem health. Mérida, Yucatán, Mexico. October 18-20, 2023.

8. Toro, M. 2023. Prevalence and diversity of Salmonella from surface water in Latin America. CFSAN Regulatory Research Lecture Series. Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, The Food and Drug Administration. College Park, Maryland. Online. June 8th, 2023.

9. Toro, M. 2023. Prevalence and diversity of Salmonella from surface water in Latin America. The 6th IFSH high-throughput sequencing (HTS) symposium information packet and agenda. Institute for Food Safety and Health. June 1st, 3023. Chicago, Illinois.

10. Moreno Switt, 2022. Salmonella in animal and environmental sources: impact in AMR dissemination. Annual meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance, Chilean Institute on Public Health. December 2022. Santiago, Chile.

11. Reyes-Jara A. 2022. Vigilancia de Listeria monocytogenes en agua de ríos: 4 años de seguimiento [Surveillance of L. monocytogenes in river water: four year study] XLIV Annual meeting of the Chilean Microbiology Society, SOMICH. December 1st, 2022. La Serena, Chile.

12. Moreno Switt, 2022. Multidrug resistant Salmonella. The Chilean Congress in Infectious Diseases. November 2022. Santiago, Chile.

13. Delgado Suárez, EJ. 2022. Comparative genomics and antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella spp. circulating in surface waters and foods in Mexico. Webinar of the Mexican Association of Veterinarians Specialized in Food Safety. August 17, 2022.

14. Delgado-Suárez, EJ. 2022. Genomic epidemiology of Salmonella spp. circulating in surface waters from central Mexico. FDA GenomeTrakr Webinar. February 17, 2022.

15. Reyes-Jara A. 2021. Estudio de la persistencia de Listeria monocytogenes en aguas superficiales. [Persistence of L. monocytogenes in surface waters]. XLIII Annual meeting of the Chilean Microbiology Society, SOMICH. November 30, 2021. Virtual meeting.

16. Toro M. 2021. Persistencia de Salmonella en aguas superficiales de Riego [Persistence of Salmonella in surface waters]. Annual meeting of the Chilean Microbiology Society, SOMICH. Virtual meeting. November 30th, 2021.

17. Moreno Switt, 2021. Multidrug resistant Salmonella. CuriCurb Bacterial Resistance, October 2021. Virtual meeting.

18. Delgado Suárez, EJ. 2021. Comparative genomics of water and foodborne pathogens with focus on Salmonella spp. Seminar of the MSc. and PhD. graduate program on Animal Science. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. National Autonomous University of Mexico. October 26, 2021. Mexico City, Mexico.

19. Reyes-Jara A. 2021. Estudio de la persistencia de Listeria monocytogenes en aguas superficiales [Persistence of L. monocytogenes in surface waters]. XXV Latin-American Congress of Microbiology, ALAM 2021. Paraguay, August 26th.

20. Toro M. 2021. Persistencia de Salmonella en aguas superficiales de Riego [Persistence of Salmonella in Surface Waters]. XXV Latin-American Congress of Microbiology, ALAM 2021. Paraguay, August 26th, 2021.

21. Delgado Suárez, EJ. Research “Comparative genomics of water and foodborne pathogens” in the Department of Veterinary Preventive Medicine. 2nd Workshop on Preventive Medicine and Public Health. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. June 24-25, 2021.

22. Enrique J. Delgado-Suárez. Genomic epidemiology and antimicrobial resistance of Salmonella spp. in beef and surface waters from Mexico. 1st International Symposium on One Health, One Planet. Lavras Federal University (Brazil), Peruvian Cayetano Heredia University (Peru), and Colombian Cooperative University (Colombia). November 3-5, 2021.

23. Adell, A.; Moreno-Swit, A; Toro M. 2019. Salmonella in surface waters in agricultural areas of central Chile. The Global Water and Food Safety Summit. University of Maryland, College Park, United States. Nov 21st, 2019.

24. Delgado-Suarez, E. 2019. Salmonella in surface waters from Mexico. The Global Water and Food Safety Summit. University of Maryland, College Park, United States. Nov 21st, 2019.

Dr. Andrea Moreno-Switt at the workshop “WGS in food and waterborne outbreaks.” Lima, Perú. January 30th, 2024

Dr. Andrea Moreno-Switt at the workshop “WGS in food and waterborne outbreaks.” Lima, Perú. January 30th, 2024

Dr. Angélica Reyes-Jara at the meeting “Control of Salmonella and AMR in poultry production.” Santiago, Chile. November 17, 2023.

Dr. Angélica Reyes-Jara at the meeting “Control of Salmonella and AMR in poultry production.” Santiago, Chile. November 17, 2023.

Extension and Outreach activities

1. Activity: La vida del agua [The life of water]. Representing INTA, University of Chile, in the Science Festival organized by The Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation of Chile. October 8th , 2022. La Moneda Cultural Center, Santiago, Chile.

Overhead photo of conference attendees and triangular column poster displays Students with backpacks browse the conference tables
Microscopes next to a poster for La Vida del Agua A young woman gazes into a microscope at the festival