Risk Management

Course Description

Risk Management is the process of weighing policy alternatives to control risks as effectively as possible. Success in risk management means arriving at practical and useful solutions to problems that can be plagued by uncertainty and variability. Risk managers are the decision makers and begin and end all risk analysis activities, they are responsible for the risk analysis process.

The role of risk managers in food safety risk analysis is vital to safeguarding public health, ensuring compliance with regulations, and maintaining the integrity of the food supply chain. Their efforts contribute to preventing foodborne illnesses, minimizing economic losses, and fostering consumer confidence in the safety of food products.

This 2-day in classroom course will be of interest to those who work with and support risk managers as well as risk managers.

Prerequisite:While not required, it is recommended that this course be taken after you have completed the Introduction to Risk Analysis and the Regulatory Process. That course provides contextual information about risk analysis that is not repeated here.

Overview of Topics

  • Identification of Risks: Risk managers are tasked with identifying potential hazards and risks within the food supply chain.
  • Risk Assessment: Once risks are identified, risk managers direct the assessment of their severity and likelihood of occurrence.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Risk managers ensure that food safety practices comply with local, national, and international regulations.
  • Crisis Management: In the event of a food safety incident, risk managers play a crucial role in crisis management. They are responsible for coordination response efforts, implementing emergency measures, and ensuring that corrective actions are taken promptly to protect public health.
  • Data Analysis: Risk managers rely on data and analytics to make informed decisions.
  • Supply Chain Management: Understanding the complexities of the food supply chain is essential for risk managers. They need to assess risks at each stage of production and distribution, working with suppliers and stakeholders to implement measures that enhance food safety.
  • Continuous Improvement: The food industry is dynamic, with new challenges emerging regularly. Risk managers are responsible for continuous improvement in food safety protocols.

Learning Objectives

  • Paradigms and How We Think About Things
  • Risk Management Frameworks and Models
  • Getting the Question Right
  • Making Sense of Numbers
  • Risk Management Options
  • Interactions Between Assessors and Managers

By the end of the session, you should be able to

  • Describe the risk manager’s role in risk analysis
  • Describe two principle risk management models
  • Discuss decision making under uncertainty
  • Write a problems and opportunities statement
  • Write an objectives and constraints statement
  • Write a question statement
  • Identify elements of a risk profile
  • Distinguish concepts of uncertainly and variability and their importance in decision making
  • Identify several key properties of good risk characterization
  • Use brainstorming for option formulation
  • Distinguish the evaluation, comparison and selection steps
  • Discuss the economist’s view of making choices
  • Distinguish between the monitoring, evaluation, and modification steps
  • Define food safety management objectives
  • List several techniques for engaging stakeholders
  • Define the team process for risk analysis

This course meets a requirement of the JIFSAN Core Certificate in Food Safety Risk Analysis.

Register now for Summer 2024