JIFSAN-CFS3 Advisory Council Annual Symposium: Risk Communication: Science vs. Perception – Increasing Challenges Navigating Mis/Dis-Information from Social Media

JIFSAN-CFS3 Advisory Council Annual Symposium. Risk Communication: Science vs. Perception; Increasing Challenges Navigating Mis/Dis-information from Social Media. October 29-30, 2024. College Park Marriott Hotel & Conference Center. College Park, Maryland, USA.


You have probably read articles on the internet or seen social media posts about topics that seemed too good to be true or too ridiculous to be true. You have also probably seen news on the internet that sounded totally legitimate that you may not even question whether the information is true. Most people do not have time to do a detailed follow-up investigation of an article, and information about the safety of the food supply can be scary because we all interact with food on a daily basis.

If you are interested in food safety and risk communication with the general public, then you are not going to want to miss the JIFSAN-CFS3 Advisory Council 2024 Annual Symposium.

The morning session on Day 1 will frame up the issue by exploring science communication efforts, how misinformation spreads, and what is being done to combat the spread. The second session will explore three discussion topics (COVID-19, ultra processed foods, and the impact of differences in state and country regulations on trust in the safety of the food supply) with several perspectives on each topic highlighting communication challenges and the impacts of misinformation, including a talk on native advertising in mainstream news. The final session will be an interactive workshop-type format where communication experts and symposium participants will discuss communication strategies and recommendations using the three discussion topics for context.

Whether you are a communications professional, a risk assessor/manager, or involved in food science or nutrition in government, academia, or industry, you will not want to miss this exciting symposium addressing a topic of critical importance to society.

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